UHA Mikakuto Co., Ltd.
Pucho Aahn (Open your mouth for Pucho) 4D Goggles
- Movie
- Graphic
- Design
- Campaign
- PR
Through social network posts, puzzling expressions like “The new McShake is McShake YogurX!” was used, generating responses such as “What does the X stand for?” “Isn’t it Yogurt?” With the new product name McShake Yogur-Do, the collaboration with the anime Doraemon was announced, and maximized the excitement brought on by the pre-launch buzz.
From the naming and package design aimed for PR value, to posts made on social networks to amplify anticipation, all the way to the TV commercials and more executions following the sales launch, a total experiential story was planned. Some target consumers actually completed all 5 types of packages. The campaign became a huge topic and contributed to sales growth. (The product is no longer available.)
We welcome all inquiries and requests for estimates regarding all aspects of advertising, including booking and creative production.
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